Since 2018, UKAJEDE has benefitted from the incredible generosity of Schauenburg Systems Their financial contributions of over half a million rand have enabled us to make vast improvements to the learning environments of our children.
Here's a summary of what we've been able to do since they have been involved:
Today this preschool operates from a safe brick structure, and accommodates 35 children, who now have a safe and comfortable school that they can be proud of. They also have running water and flushing toilets.
Happiness Preschool used to be a dilapidated wooden shack that was unsafe, uncomfortable and not conducive as a learning environment for these littlies.
.Today this preschool operates from a safe brick structure, and accommodates 35 children, who now have a safe and comfortable school that they can be proud of. They also have running water and flushing toilets.
Kiddies Home is a great preschool that has 80 children. They used to use a “porta loo” and a broken outside tap as the ablution facilities.
Today they have access to a beautiful “Enviro Loo” with running water, basins and flushing toilets.
The Foundation provides meals to all the children attending the creches that we support. There are currently over 500 children attending the eight creches in our program. This initiative ensures that these children get at least one nutritious, tasty meal every day.
In 2023 we have 13 children on our financial sponsorship program at the local Primary & High School, Balmoral College. These children mostly come from child-headed households and would otherwise not be able to attend school. We are excited to have three Matriculants this year!
Thank you once again for sharing your time and making a difference through The People for Ukajede Foundation!
If you would like to get involved or want further information about the projects we are running, please feel free to reach out on the contact details below, or visit our website.
Contact Number : Chantelle Hibberd on 082 402 9369